Sunday, March 16, 2008

Our greatest enemy

My perfect enemy
Time is
Time will be
Time has been
Time creates
Time destroys
Time is
Time is everything and nothing
Time is the reason numbers were created
To put a symbol of value for what you cant see
Feel smell hear or taste
You don't really need a number for there to be x amount of letter on this page
You don't need numbers to say this chunk of gold is worth that horse
Or this leather hide is worth having some one deliver your child
But time does
Time tells you,… "It took me four hours of mining to get that precious metal, and took you four hour to prepare and deliver that horse when it was born…. Or four hours to skin this animal and tan its hide
So why are we where we are in this country, this class of income
Who is to say an hour of your goddamn fucking time is twice, 3 times…15 TIMES more valuable than mine, for who is to say that I wont die tomorrow and there for my time would have been rarer, but that is the unpredictable and therefore not adequate for comparison
A mustang rolls off and assembly line every 7 min (2004 documentary), and will take my 3 yrs of my life to pay for, I should kill you, or imprison you and steal that much life from you, for all that currency is hour upon hour of my life, and for what, the profit from all that goes to you, for owning the building it came out of, you didn't even spend and time your self, money of that went to make your goddamn commercials that take up more of my time to watch a show on television just to try to brain wash me into thinking I need this product to make my life better, and if you spent enough of our lives on your ad you might convince the people they cant live with out this.
Now consider a person who truly cares about the American people, some who the value of our time, our lives matters enough that they will try to get our vote, the president, George W Bush make 400,000 dollars a year, that would be the equivalent to roughly 136 people working 8 hours a day everyday at 10 dollars and hour. Are you really trying to tell me this one mans time is work 136 people life, for 1 year of all 136 is worth one year of his?
Congress is no better
Pay for the average member of Congress has more than doubled in the past 20 years. For example, the average salary in 1983 was $69,800 and $141,300 in 2000
In 1997 min wage was 5.15, the federal government decide that the minimum value of a persons time, in ten years it has only increase 70 cents to 5.85, as of July 2007.

Time is our creation that creates us
Who you are is time spent
How smart you are
How skilled
Time spent studying= how smart
Time spent practicing=level of skill
Time spent understanding experiences=wisdom
The formula
TimeXaction=the amount of increase of action ability compared to initial ability
Friendship=time spent in good company
Even love=time spent in intimacy

So tell me
Is a mustang worth 3 years worth friends I may have made
Is our president worth the love of your life
Are the members of congress worth the ability to build a house or the meaning to life?
This is your democracy
This is your capitalism
Your are free to do your best
To let your greed take you to the extremes
And rise high enough to take the lives of as many people as you can
Just to have more that you need
And all that you might want before you even want it
Slavery: the practice of, or a system based on, using the enforced labor of other people
Time how will you spend it


Anonymous said...

best to try and be happy while we are here on earth. we can't take a thing with us when we die. no gold, no silver, no money, nothing.
it is best to just be happy. it is free and it is good for the health.

Synaptic Spazism said...

well thats sort of what I was explaining, because getting what you need cost so much, time wise that is, that one may not alway have the time to be happy, for in this understanding, what is the most valueble time... time spent with other people